After having my second outdoor boiler for 5 years made by Mahoning and not liking the amount of wood it used and holding my breath as it showered sparks out the stack because the design was very poor, I started looking at new ones. At the Pennsylvania Sportsman Show I looked at several different outdoor boilers and the one I liked was a Crown Royal Stoves. The design made sense to me. I decided to purchase the model RS7300 and replace the Mahoning. I began by counting the amount of wood I was using in the Mahoning, on average was 16 pieces per fill. That was every 12 hours. I installed the Crown Royal towards the end of February and yes it was cold. I started a fire in it put the first load in of approximately 7 pieces of wood and 45 minutes later the boiler was up to temperature. I was totally amazed! That would have been a several hour struggle and several loads of wood in the Mahoning. Since the install my wood use has been cut to about in half, and I like it. On days that are in the 30’s it will go 24 hours without worry where the old one would have needed wood at 12 hours. Unbelievable difference. This was a sound investment and I would purchase another one for sure. I like the quality of the Crown Royal, it is put together well.
T. Lavery – Pennsylvania
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